Saturday, October 5, 2019

I Take a Fall

About 1 pm today, I was attempting to put some leaf guards on the top of my gutters. I am officially stupid. I attempted to stand on the top of the ladder, and it tipped. Gravity took over, and I fell the six feet plus my height to the ground. I fell on my right side and lost most of my breath. I took stock of everything and rolled over to my back. I found I could not extend my left leg. About that time my wife comes out. She had heard a big bang from the ladder hitting the house. She saw me and said she saw my bloody face with blood running down into my ear. She was very supportive and right away wanted to call 911. I told her to wait. After about three minutes, she went ahead and called. I could not extend my knee and knew I could not get up.

EMS arrived and evaluated me. They asked where I would like to be taken and I told them Pardee which is local. She had to get permission because of my age. I heard her say she had an elderly man who had fallen from a ladder. Well, she got permission. We made it to the ER. They took xrays. Turns out I broke the plateau of my tibia, tore my quadraceps ligament, and displaced my knee cap. Then they did a cat scan. It looked bad. There was no one local who could deal with my trama, so they got permission to transport me to Asheville Mission Hospital. It is very nice here. Got here about 10:30. I am settled in now.My youngest son came up from Simpsonville SC. My oldest will be coming Sunday and staying the week. I will have surgery at 7:30 in the morning. I would appreciate all of your prayers that the surgery would go well and that I will eventually make a full recovery. It has been quite a day.

This is David and me. I am pretty happy.

Here are the x-rays of my knee repair.


  1. Im praying for your recovery. Please keep us updated with your progess.

    1. Thank you, my friend. It is Tuesday evening. I will be going to rehab hopefully tomorrow to prepare me for home life. It is hard to imagine eight weeks without putting weight on my leg.

  2. If you get the opportunity, watch some old Laurel and Hardy films. They are good medicine!

  3. Does that ladder say "NOT A STEP" on top? Take care bubba, don't do that no mo!
