Terms of Shaving

These are acronyms found on shaving bogs.

Types of Razors
CC: Closed Comb
DE: Double Edge
MMBT: MicroMatic Bullet Tip
MMCP: MicroMatic Clog-pruf
OC: Open Comb
OCMM: GEM Open Comb MicroMatic single edge razor
SB: Safety Bar
SE: Single Edge
SR: Straight Razor
TTO: Twist/Turn To Open

Shaving Forum Lingo
AD's: Acquisition Disorders
-HAD: Hone Acquisition Disorder
-RAD: Razor Acquisition Disorder
-SAD: Strop Acquisition Disorder
-SBAD: Shaving Brush Acquisition Disorder
-SCAD: Shaving Cream Acquisition Disorder
-SRAD: Safety Razor Acquisition Disorder
-SSAD: Shaving Soap Acquisition Disorder

HTT: Hot Towel Treatment
ATG: Against the Grain
BBS: Baby Butt Smooth
CCS: Close Comfortable Shave
DFS: Damn/Darn Fine Shave
WTG: With the Grain
XTG: Across the Grain
SoS: Shower or Shave (of the day)
SOTD: Shave of the Day
NGA: Newbie Give-Away

A/S: Aftershave
ASB: Aftershave Balm
ASM: After Shave Milk
EdC: Eau de Cologne
EdT: Eau de Toilette
PS: PreShave
PSB: PreShave Balm
PSO: PreShave Oil
SC: Shaving Cream
SS: Shaving Soap

General Internet/Forum Use
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
BTW: By the Way
FS: For Sale
FT: For Trade
FWIW: for What It's Worth
HWMBO: He Who Must Be Obeyed
IMHO: In My Honest/ Humble Opinion
IMO: In My Opinion
LOL: Laugh Out Loud
PIF: Pay It Forward
PM: Private Message
SO: Significant Other
SWMBO: She Who Must Be Obeyed
WTB: Want To Buy
WTT: Want To Trade
YGPM: You Got Private Message
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

CA:Cyanoacrylate aka Super Glue
CP: Cold Process soapmaking
EO: Essential Oil
FO: Fragrance Oil
ISZ: Iced SubZero
MUG: Menthol Users Group
VIBR: Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

3T's: Taylors, Truefitt & Hill, and Trumpers.
AdP: Acqua Di Parma
AOS: Art of Shaving
AV: Aqua Velva
B&BW: Bath and Body Works
CC: Captains Choice
C&E: Crabtree and Evelyn
C&S: Czech & Speake
CRS: Cyril R. Salter
DRH: D.R Harris
DVH: De Vergulde Hand
GFT: Geo F. Trumper
GIT: Green Irish Tweed
HBS: Honeybee Sue
IP's: Israeli Personna
KMF: Kiss My Face
MB: Mama Bear
MdC: Martin de Candre
MWF: Mitchell’s Wool Fat
PdP: Pre de Provence
RMWS: Robert's Method of Wet Shaving aka Method Shaving
RR: RazoRock
SCS: Saint Charles Shave
SFS: Scottish Fine Soaps
T&H: Truefitt and Hill
TBS: The Body Shop
TGN: The Golden Nib
TGR: The Gentleman's Refinery
TGQ: The Gentlemens Quarter
TOBS: Taylor's of Old Bond Street
TRSC/RSC: The Real Shaving Company
TSD: The Shave Den
VDH: Van Der Hagen

BRW: Bob’s Razor Works
EJ: Edwin Jagger
ER: Ever Ready
HD: Merkur Heavy Duty Safety Razor
HMW: High Mountain White
NDC: No Date Code
NOS: New Old Stock
SRD: Straight Razor Designs
SS: Gilette SuperSpeed
TI: Thiers Issard
W&B: Wade and Butcher

B&B: Badger and Blade
SMF: Shave My Face
SRP: Straight Razor Place
TOS: The Original Safety
TSD: The Shave Den
TSN: The Shave Nook

Schick M-2

Gillette New (1930)

Gillette New (replated)

Schick Injector 1940s

Schick E2

Gillette Aristocrat 1947
Gillette Super Speed 1947
Edwin Jagger 2012

Parker 2011

Gem 1912
Gem G-bar
Gillette Tech 1962
Gem Pushbutton

Gem Micromatic

Gem Micromatic Clog-pruf

Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip

Gillette Tech

Parker 94R

Gillette Super Speed Flare Tip 1958

Gillette Old Type
Gillette Old Style

J.M. Schmid & Son 6/8 straight

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