I got a board of 3/4 inch bird's eye maple to make shaving brush handles. In order to get it to a point where I can make handles, I wanted to make 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 stock. I started by cutting two six inch pieces 3/4 inch square, and one piece 1 1/2 x 3/4.
The two 3/4 x 3/4 pieces were glued together and set aside to dry. After they dried, I cut them in half and glued them together again to make a blank 1 1/2 x 1 1/2.
I then rounded off the corners to make a cylinder. I wanted to pattern it after Jayaruh #15, So, I made some marks for guidance.
After shaping of the grip end, I cut it off to length. I began the knot hole. I enlarged it to the size of a quarter: about 24.5 mm.
Hole the size of a quarter. A quarter is 24.26 mm in diameter. |
I also worked with the other blank that was made by gluing two 3/4 x 1 1/2 pieces together. It is the on on the left. It has a basic octagon shape and is tapered in the middle for a nice grip.
Update: September 17
Today, I made a start on two additional handles using the bird's eye maple. In the picture below, the middle handles are the ones I got started yesterday. The first and last are the ones I began today.