Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gem Junior

This is my Gem Junior. Although the head looks very much like the Gem 1912 that I shaved with last night, this one is a bit aggressive. It is also a loud shaver. I've never shaved with a straight razor, but it sounded like I imagine a straight razor would sound. I did not draw blood or get razor burn because I went very slowly. This razor will probably end up on the display shelf.

The next SE I will try out will be my Gem Micromatic. Right now, I am going to give the SEs a little rest and go back to my Edwin Jagger. Check back for more.

A Gem for Jim

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I got this Gem, a Gem Junior, and a Marvy shaving brush on eBay. Today, I shaved with the Gem. It was a really good shave. This is my second shave with the 1912 SE. I now own this Gem, a Gem Junior, and an Ever-Ready:  all three are patent 1912, basically the same head design. Next, I am going to try out the Junior.

I also have a Gem Pushbutton and a Gem Micromatic. I will try those out after the Junior.

Ever-Ready Razor

Original post, Friday, September 28, 2012

 I received my vintage Ever-Ready safety razor today. The box is pretty worn and the razor shows that it has been used. However, the razor looks like it is in pretty good shape for its age. I plan to give it a spin today. This will be my first experience with this type of razor. I have read that the technique for this razor is different from others.  For one, the head is placed almost flat on the face. Some suggest about a 10 degree angle for the best shave. BOTOCs (Brotherhood Of The Open Comb) and LOSERs (Lover Of Single Edge Razors) swear by these razors. I am excited to try it. I am a loser already because of my Schick injector razor. That is one great razor.

OK, the verdict is in. This is one terrific little razor. I was cautious because I had read of shavers who ended up letting blood, but I kept the head down, around 10 degrees, and had no blood loss. I got a great shave and put this little guy in my rotation. I am looking forward to more shaves with my new SE Ever-Ready. I guess I am now a LOSER and BOTOC.

1962 Gillette Mini Tech

Original Post, Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today, I tried out my new Gillette tech razor. I loaded it with a Shark blade and had my first shave with it. What a nice razor! Aside from the short handle, this is an excellent little shaver. I intend to use this as my travel razor in the future.  This particular razor was manufactured in 1962. The Gillette logo on the face has the diamond with the name Gillette with the arrow through it. It was first registered in 1908.

eBay Shaving Treasures

Original Post, Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Below are two Gem single edge razors. The black handled razor is a Gem Pushbutton (PTO) and the silver one is a Gem Micromatic open comb (MMOC) twist to open (TTO).

Below is a travel Gillette razor in genuine leather. I had a similar razor when I first entered the Army in 1967. Its case was plastic and snapped shut. I wish that I still had it, so when I saw this, I jumped on it. The whole case is rather small and made in Austria. I like it.
Travel razor
The razor is a three piece Gillette with a short handle. The case has places for the head, the handle, and blades. The razor has a manufacturing date code of H2 which means it was manufactured in the second quarter of 1962.
Genuine leather, zipper closure.

Gems for Jim

Original Post, Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I just won an auction on E-Bay of two vintage Gem razors. Can hardly wait to take delivery.