Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jayaruh #286

No progress pictures for this one. I worked on this for parts of three days. I did this one without the lathe, so it is not "perfectly round."

 First, I glued four pieces of wood together. After the glue dried, I cut them in half, and glued them together again.  I cut off one more piece and glued it to one end. After the glue dried, I squared up the sides and cut it to length. I cut off the edges to make it octagonal in shape. Then, I used a drum sander to  round off the corners and eventually make it round. Then I began to give it the shape of a brush handle. Next, I drilled the hole for the knot. Finally, I branded it, and then finished it with polycrylic.

I set it with an Ace synthetic knot. Here are pictures of the finished product, Jayaruh #286. 

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