
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jayaruh #33: Brother of JR16

Today, I started to finish what will be Jayaruh #33. It is made from the same blank of wild cherry that I made JR16 from way back in August. I wanted to put one of the horse hair knots in it and call it my cowboy brush. I have no pictures of the steps, but I put the hole in it and shaped and sanded it. Then I stained it with golden oak stain. I will be putting some polyurethane on it later today, but I wanted to get some glamour shots of it with the knot dry fitted. See its brother here.

Original block of wild cherry.

Update: December 13
I finally got around to doing a test lathering with some Cella Shave Soap. As you can see, it made lots of lather. Then I took a picture with my new Scotch & Stowe Fatty DE razor.

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