
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Enders Backer Blade-Carrier for Injector Blade

 I went through my used razor tub and found two Enders blades. I might as well make two as make one. 

Getting ready to make the backer blades.

I have finished the first step: making the locating bumps for the injector blade. I roughed up the blade and used JB Weld epoxy to fill the holes of the injector blade.

Roughed up blades.

Mixed JB Weld.

Located injector blades and filled the holes.

After an hour, I removed the injector blades.
Will let cure overnight

 The blades will cure overnight. Tomorrow I will remove the beveled edge of the blade and clean them up, making sure that they will accept an injector blade. Next, I will super glue a couple of magnets on the back of the Enders blade. I should be finished with them by Thursday.

Update: 18 Jan 2023

Well I broke one and finished the other.

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