
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Jayaruh #422 Progress

 Jayaruh #422 is a special Celtic Knot brush that I am making that will be a gift from one shaver to a special doctor.

Using my special jig, I made the first cut.

I glued and clamped the pieces after each cut. There were four cuts. Here are cuts 2 and 3

This is how it looks after the fourth cut and before gluing it up.

Here is what it looks like glued up.

Here is the final cut.

After the final glue and clamp, the project is set aside to dry. Next, I will load it on the lathe and turn the handle. More tomorrow.

Update: 14 July 2021

I loaded the piece on the lathe yesterday, so it is ready to go today.

I rounded off the section that the handle is in.

Then, I gave the handle its shape.

After the handle has its shape, I removed it from the rest of the stick and dressed the bottom of the handle.

Next, I created the opening for the knot.

Here I stuck in a synthetic knot for looks. It is a bit smaller than the badger knot coming in the mail. It will get here tomorrow, and I can dry fit it and make another picture.

Next big thing is waiting for the MD Caduceus coming in the mail. 

Update: 15 July 2021

The surprise box arrived today containing the 26mm fan badger knot.

I had to check it out and see how it fit the handle. It was a tight fit. I know I would have to fine tune it.

I had put the first coat of polycrylic on the handle last night. I also branded the handle with a JR 422. 

After some work, the knot has a loft of 55mm.

I won't do any more work on the handle until the caduceus arrives.

Update: 17 July

The MD Caduceus arrived today. Here is what I have done.

Right out of the pack.

Getting there.

Now that is just right.

Next I will set the Caduceus and finish the bottom. Then I will finish the whole handle and set the knot.

Update: 18 July 2021

It is complete.


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