
Monday, December 21, 2020

Boxes 39 and 40

I cut out and glued two boxes on Saturday. After clamping them up I let them set until today, Monday. So, today, I finished building the boxes and put the hardware on them. Here they are.

Next, I created the insides so they would accommodate two triceratops razors.

I stained and sealed both boxes the same color.

Next, I finished the boxes with polycrylic.

Finally, I finished off the insides of both boxes with black and red felt. I only have one triceratops razor, so I did a little magic to look like I have two. 

Box 39

Box 40

I have two red and two black triceratops coming in the mail. One set will go to Mike in Louisiana. 

 Update: 24 Dec 2020

The red and black Triceratops have arrived. Here are two of them in Box 40. It is going to Mike in Louisiana.

Here is Box 39 with my Christmas shave. I mixed my green one with a red one for a Christmas theme shave.

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