
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Jayaruh #418 and 419

 I started these two brushes today. One will be going to another shaver by request. He wanted a brush patterned after #109.

Jayaruh #109

I started by ordering a silvertip badger from Whipped Dog Shaving. Next, I cut the pieces and glued them up. They will sit overnight, and perhaps tomorrow I will get to turn them. Here is what I have so far. The light wood is oak, and the dark wood is Bolivian Rosewood. There are two shades because they came from two different sticks.

The new owner will get to choose which of the two he wants.

Update: 6 Nov 2020

I trimmed the edges, loaded on the lathe, and turned the handles. Then we went down to SC to my son's house for a birthday party for granddaughter (9). I got home in time to drill out the holes for the knots.

I trimmed the edges of the handle.

Getting ready to turn the handle.

It is now in the round.

Second handle ready to turn.

First handle finished.

Second handle finished.

Ready for the knot holes.

Got the holes drilled.

Ready to be finished.

Here they are with two-band badger knots.
The silvertip badger is on its way here from Whipped Dog.

Update: Later that same day

After the first coat of polycrylic

After the second coat of polycrylic

Later the same day: The handles are done except for numbering them and setting their knots. One will be getting one of these two-band badgers, and the other will get the silvertip badger. The new owner will make that decision.

Update: 7 Nov 2020

Here they are in the light of the day. They are ready to get their numbers next. 

This one is more red.

This one is more brown.

Update: 8 November 2020

The handles get their numbers. #418 will get the silvertip when it arrives. #419 was finished when I set the 2-band badger.

Update: 12 Nov 2020

The silvertip badger knot came in early today.

I set the knot with hot glue and then did a wash with an OxiClean solution. 

The brush is complete. It will dry overnight, and I will ship it off to its new home tomorrow.

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