
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Civil War Replica Brush

I am making a Civil War replica brush for another shaver. I have been thinking about it for a while, and today, I took advantage of some good weather and got a good start. I have some knots coming in the mail Monday, so it looks like I may finish this up then. Here is what I have today.

Here I have the shape and have wrapped the top with jute.

I opened the top using a nickel as my guide.

I stained the handle with dark walnut.

I branded it with JR 379.

Here it is after I finished it with polycrylic.

January 7, 2020

I had the horse hair knot arrive today. Here is how it looks in the handle (dry fit). I am expecting the boar this afternoon. More to come.

I went to Lowes and found some neutral colored jute. I wrapped the top with it.

Update: January 7, 2020

My brushes came in last night, but I did not go to the box until this morning. I retrieved the Omega brush and began to liberate it from its handle.

I cut off the bottom of the handle.

I cut down the side of the handle to remove it.

I cut down opposite sides of the sleeve to remove it. The knot is liberated.
 After using my Dremel to shape the bottom of the knot, I fitted it into the Civil War handle.

The JR#379 brush is finished. It has been decided to take the Omega 66 boar knot. 

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