
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Compare Schick E2b with Schick G4

This post will compare the Schick E2b with a Schick G4. The E2b has a fixed spring and a guard with no ribs. It is a pretty aggressive razor. I am trying to determine why it is so aggressive. At first glance, it does not appear much different from the G4, a milder razor.

The Schick E2b

The Schick G4

The E2b is on the left. It has tabs on each side of the spring. The profile compares well with the G4.

 The E2b is on top.

The shape of the guards is a bit different. The G4, on the left, is grooved and is curved less than the E2b. I measured the distance from the edge of the guards to the blade edge. The G4 measured 2.54mm. The E2b measured 2.30mm. I think that little bit probably accounts for a greater blade exposure for the E2b.

 A contributing factor may also be the curve in the end of the guard. On the E2b, the guard is bent about 90 degrees, where on the G4 the angle is more open. I checked my other Schicks and I noticed that the Es and Gs all have the more open angle on the guard.

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