
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jayaruh Wooden SE Razor

I have been thinking of making a wooden razor for a long time. So, yesterday, all that thinking came to life. I used some scrap wood I had on hand. The handle was made of two types of wood laminated together for this purpose. I actually shaved with the razor this morning. I did the first pass with it and then finished up with my Damaskeene OC razor. I will do a full shave with the wooden razor tomorrow and make a video.

I started by making the teeth.

Using an old blade, I marked off boundaries and did some dremmel work on the teeth.

Here I am gluing up the head with the handle.

I could not figure an efficient way to hold the blade, so I opted for a bulldog clip. I do have razor stops, but I needed to secure the razor to keep it flat.

Here it is after two coats of polycrylic.

Update: I took a little off of each side and shortened the teeth. I also notched the bulldog clamp so it would go onto the blade a little further.

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