
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jayaruh #235

I did not take progress pictures for this brush. I had glued up a piece of hickory between two pieces of walnut probably about a year ago and set it aside to make a brush. Then I got my lathe and forgot all about it. Well, today, I decided to make a Celtic knot handle out of it. I made the cuts and glues and then shaped it using my drill and rotary sanding cylinder. I drilled out the hole with a Forstner bit and sized it with my Dremmel. This is the only picture I have right now. I am going to put some polycrylic on it tonight and put the JR 235 on the bottom. More pictures will come later.

October 24, 2017
Polycrylic and branding have started. One coat of polycrylic applied, and the brush is branded.

Update: The brush is finished. Three coats of polycrylic with sanding between and setting the knot with silicone did the job.

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