
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jayaruh #155 Begins

I had a piece of walnut and a piece of purple heart woods that I glued together a couple of days ago. Today, I was going to turn it and then make it into a 400 type handle. I was doing great. I had completed the turning and made the hole for the knot, all along I thought I was documenting each step along the way. Then, to my horror I saw on the screen of the camera, "No memory card." All those pictures gone; never recorded. Well, I went in the house and retrieved the memory card. Here are pictures I took since then.

I put a coat of polyacrylic on it and then took some pictures with three different knots.

Update: April 1, 2017

I received an Omega 49 brush today. My son, David, was here, so, he helped me complete this brush. I harvested the knot from the handle, and David used the Dremel to size the knot's base to fit the handle. Here is a picture of it dry fitted. I will be setting it later today with silicone. Then it will be ready to go to its new home.

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