
Monday, March 21, 2016

Birdseye Maple Handle

Back on March 15, I started this handle when I glued up four pieces of birdseye maple. 

I had a strip of the wood left over, so I cut it in four equal lengths and did some sanding before gluing them together. I let it sit for a day before unclamping it. I shaped it into a cylinder and set it aside for later. Today, I decided to do some shaping. I wanted to pattern it after a brush I made earlier, Jayaruh #51.

I forgot to take pictures after I unclamped the piece, and I did not take pictures after the initial shaping of the cylinder. So, you will have to use your imagination. However, here are the pictures after the initial shaping. I still have to smooth it a bit more and create the hole for the knot before I do any staining and finishing. I haven't given this one a number yet.

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