
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Feathers for the AutoStrops

I had ordered a pack of carbon steel Feathers, and then I found out that they were junk. Being cheap as I am, I was trying to save a few bucks. Well, I decided to order ten stainless Feather SE blades from Try A Blade. The came in today and the carbon steel blades are still in postal limbo. The Feathers are glued in the wrapper pretty well. I used some alcohol to remove the glue and then I loaded two of my AutoStrop razors. I will be shaving with them over the next week.

Feathers with AutoStrop VC4.

I put the blade in the VC4.

AutoStrop B1 with new Feather blade.

Two AutoStrops loaded with Feather stainless steel blades.

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