
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

New Brush Handles Started

March 22

I worked a little on the shape of one of the handles today.

March 23

I put it to the boys of The Shave Den to see which configuration they preferred. They liked B by a pretty good margin, but the wife liked A best.

  1. *


    11 vote(s)
  2. B

    16 vote(s)

March 24

I decided to go with A. It has a great feel for a face-lathering brush. An add plus is that the wife likes it best. So today, I did a little more sanding and put the hole for the knot in the end. I also ordered a High Mountain Badger knot from Whipped Dog. It should be an awesome brush when done.

March 25

Today, I applied semi-gloss polyurethane on the handle and hung it up to dry. I found out that the HMB knot from Whipped Dog shipped and is due to arrive Saturday. The handle should be ready for a fitting by then.

This brush will be designated as Jayaruh WC4 HMB.


  1. Those are looking good - great job so far

    1. Thanks, Jon. It was a beautiful day to sit outside and work on these two handles. I'm just trying something different.

  2. What are you going to do compete with WD & Oscar11 ?
    They look great so far. They will turn out as good as the first ones you made.

    1. I assure you. I am not in their league. But thanks.
