
Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Won the "Come on Spring PIF!!"

I was one of the winners of a PIF on The Shave Den. The name of the PIF was "Come on Spring PIF!!" Up for grabs was 120 blade assortment of Russian double edged blades. It was open to everyone, so I entered. You can't win if you don't enter.

The Rules

Respond by saying you’re in and add a picture of your favorite baseball team. This can be anything that has to do with your team. Vintage pictures always welcome!

My entry:
I'm in. My first major league game was a Colt 45s game in 1962. They later became the Astros.

My blades arrived Thursday, March 19.
April is going to be Adjustable Month for me. I will be using my Gillette Slim and Gillette Fatboy for ten days each. The other ten days will be covered by my Schick M2 Adjustable. Here are some pictures of  the Fatboy and Slim getting acquainted with my new Russian blades. Thanks, NCoxSTL, for a great PIF. That's a lot of blades.

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