
Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Grab Box Arrived Today

I was the fifth winner (first place loser) of A GrabBox 4 the ChatterBox (GB4CB) give away on The Shave Den. The box went to the first place winner, and he could choose stuff from it and then send it on to the next winner who would choose stuff from it and so on until it reached me.

Technically, this is not a PIF, but I am going to label it a PIF because it did not cost me anything.

Here is what was originally in the box.
9 razors, 1 brush, 9 soaps/lotions/aftershave splash

The box arrived today. I had forgotten all about it until today. I checked the tracking and found out that it was in town and out for delivery. When I went down to check the mail, there were two pieces of mail, but no package. I checked the tracking again and it said it was out for delivery. Evidently the mail came late today. What I got earlier must have been yesterday's mail. Well, it was dark and I checked tracking again, and it said it was delivered in or near the mailbox. So, I went down again and found a box full of mail and the package was in the back, wall to wall. I had the hardest time getting it out of the box. It was loaded in from the back, but they did not take into account that the door on the front impeded the opening by probably 3/8 inch. I took out my trusty Swiss Army knife and cut the package out.

I feel like I am the winner. Garrett, gwsmallwood at TSD, added in some stuff of his own. Here's what I got.

Citrus Pre-shave oil, Proraso Pre-shave, Pinaud Clubman Vanilla AS, TSD AS splash (peppermint), the Neillite razor, Col. Conk Amber Soap, Every Man Jack Shaving Lotion, and a variety of 9 blades.

Neillite razor

A variety of nine DE blades

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