
Monday, February 23, 2015

Reloading an Injector Dispenser

New injector blades are hard to come by, and when you can find them, they are expensive. I found a source of blades in the form of mini shaper blades by Personna. They come in a dispenser of 20 blades for $7.94 with free shipping on Amazon. That is about $0.40 each. Compared to 7 for $6.99, that is an excellent price point.

The donor dispenser does not have a key, so I have to transfer the blades to the recipient dispenser that has a key.

Old recipient dispenser with key and key-less Personna donor

Eject a new blade from the key-less dispenser.

You will need to depress the blade or the spring in the recipient 

Very carefully, insert the blade into the recipient dispenser.

Continue to guide the blade into the dispenser until it is all the 
way in. Be careful to keep the edge of the blade from rubbing 
against the side. Keep the back of the blade to the back.

The key inserts into the right hand slot on the razor. The slide is 
pulled back and then pushed forward to inject the blade into the 
razor. The dispenser may have to be "giggled" a bit to line up the 
new blade with the slot. The old blade is pushed out. Dispose of 
the old blade in an approved manner.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Nice site. Have you considered adding Shavemyface to your list of shaving sites? It's the oldest one. The archives are loaded with interesting shaving information. Best Regards1
