
Friday, February 20, 2015

I Made a Trade

Today, I made a trade with a new member of TSD. He was looking to getting into straight razor shaving, and I had a str8 and a strop that I was not using. I contacted him and made a proposal. I had traded away my Mitchell's Wool Fat last year, and I thought this might me a good trade for both of us. So,  I traded my str8 and strop for a new puck of MWF. I also included some surprises for the fun of it.

J.M. Schmid & Sons

Here they are packed up and ready to take to the PO.

UPDATE: Package mailed out Saturday morning, 2/21.
Thomas reported that he had ordered the MWF, and it should arrive here Feb 26-Mar 3.

February 26
The soap arrived in the mail today. I will be putting it back into rotation with tomorrow's shave.
Just arrived.

Getting ready to go into the ceramic bowl.

Shave of the Day, 2/27/15

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