
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shave of the Day - 10/9

Cold Water Shave

Dove Men's Face Wash
TOBS Lavender Shaving Cream
Semogue 1305 Boar Brush
Gillette Old Type
Shark Super Chrome (3)
CWR, Asma Alum Block
Thayers Rose Petal WH
Aqua Velva Ice Blue

The TOBS Shaving Cream face-lathered very easily with my Semogue 1305 Boar Brush. Two passes with my Gillette Old Type and Shark Super Chrome blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse, alum block, and a final cold water rinse, I finished off with Thayers Rose Petal WH and then Aqua Velva Ice Blue after shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

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