
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Shave of the Day - 4/13

Dove Men's Face Wash
Proraso Green Shaving Cream
Frank Shaving Finest Badger
Schick M Adjustable
Schick Injector Stainless Blade
Thayers Cucumber WH
Aqua Velva Ice Blue

After a week with the Cadet TP-30, I am happy to be back with a razor that I love. Having to baby and tippy-toe my way through a shave to get good results, I was now able to get my near BBS shave with ease and comfort. The Proraso face-lathered well with my Frank Shaving Finest Badger brush. The Schick M Adjustable, set on 4, made the shave very pleasurable. Two passes and some touch ups and I was done. A cold water rinse followed by Dickinson's Witch Hazel and Aqua Velva Ice Blue after shave left me clean, smooth, and refreshed. It is good to be back to my old favorite.

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