
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Birthday Shave of the Day - 10/15

Dove Men's Face Wash
TOBS Lavender Shave Cream
Semogue 1305 Boar Brush
Gillette New w/bar handle
Shark Super Chrome (15)
Dickinson's Witch hazel
Aqua Velva Ice Blue AS

Day fifteen of the federal shutdown, and day fifteen for this Shark Super Chrome blade. The Semogue 1305 did an excellent job of face lathering with the TOBS Lavender. What a nice shave for my 66th birthday. Two passes and some touch ups left me near BBS. Topped it off with some Dickinson's WH and Aqua Velva Ice Blue, and I am feeling young again. I cleaned up and palm-stropped the blade for another day. Here's hoping the blade doesn't have to go into default.

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