
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Gillette Fat-handled Tech

I just scored this Gillette fat-handled tech on eBay.  I have been wanting to get one of these for some time. They were made 1938 to 1942, and many consider them to be the best razor ever made.  I have made several attempts at buying one on eBay but have been unsuccessful mainly because I have a limit as to what I am willing to pay. This one looks like it will need some cleaning. I hope it will clean up well. After it arrives and I get it cleaned up, I will post pictures. In the mean time, I am excited.

The razor arrived today, August 27. It turns out the man selling it was just down I-26 in Caroleen, NC, so it got here in record time. It sold August 24, was shipped August 26, and arrived August 27.

Here are pictures before the clean up.

The next pictures are after the initial clean up. I am looking forward to my first shave with this classic razor.

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